Currently seeking 1 Week Work Experience in Australia - Please Email Me.

Currently seeking 1 Week Work Experience
in Australia - Please Email Me.

Currently seeking 1 Week Work Experience
in Australia - Please Email Me.

Hello! I’m Julian 👋

Founder of JMDigital.

Adelaide, Australia - Currently

2:08 AM

Owner and Sole Trader of JMDigital. Extensive background in Web Design, Graphics, Social Media and Advertising, with 7 years of experience. A young entrepreneur excited to innovate and make a difference in Gladstone's digital market.


Work ethics are the backbone of success, and combining this with organisational and professional skills invites success. Julian has developed at a very early age great work ethics which lead to hard work and diligence, not only for himself but for everyone he engages with.

Pauline Kelly

Director HR Financial Administrator at Welcon Technologies

Our socials website designed by Julian has notably enhanced our profile, receiving accolades from competition judges, admiration from other teams, and attention from potential sponsors. It's an integral part of our image and has been improved the professionalism of our team.

Rucha Parikh

Robotics Designer and Team Manager at Wireless Robotics

Work ethics are the backbone of success, and combining this with organisational and professional skills invites success. Julian has developed at a very early age great work ethics which lead to hard work and diligence, not only for himself but for everyone he engages with.

Pauline Kelly

Director HR Financial Administrator at Welcon Technologies

Work ethics are the backbone of success, and combining this with organisational and professional skills invites success. Julian has developed at a very early age great work ethics which lead to hard work and diligence, not only for himself but for everyone he engages with.

Pauline Kelly

Director HR Financial Administrator at Welcon Technologies

Work ethics are the backbone of success, and combining this with organisational and professional skills invites success. Julian has developed at a very early age great work ethics which lead to hard work and diligence, not only for himself but for everyone he engages with.

Pauline Kelly

Director HR Financial Administrator at Welcon Technologies

Work ethics are the backbone of success, and combining this with organisational and professional skills invites success. Julian has developed at a very early age great work ethics which lead to hard work and diligence, not only for himself but for everyone he engages with.

Pauline Kelly

Director HR Financial Administrator at Welcon Technologies

Our socials website designed by Julian has notably enhanced our profile, receiving accolades from competition judges, admiration from other teams, and attention from potential sponsors. It's an integral part of our image and has been improved the professionalism of our team.

Rucha Parikh

Robotics Designer and Team Manager at Wireless Robotics